On Friday 17th September there was a service in the morning to commemorate the Battle of Britain. John was doing a speech and holding the minutes silence. I got dressed up in my glad rags, well a skirt which is rare! and headed down to the old gym.

After several hymns, some of the children from the school were asked to say a few lines. Euan was one of the children picked and I was so proud of him. To stand up in front of a sea of uniforms and adults at that was amazing, he read in a clear loud voice and made both of us so proud.

I came home and got changed out of my alien clothes :) and started work on two new pen roll designs. Sorry about the really bad lighting of these but it was such a bright day when I took them. First we have the kitten roll with a fish inside for good measure.

Then we have one featuring Spot the dog with his bone inside for later consumption.

I will either be listing these or sending them to the gallery M.A.D.E in Cirencester later this month.

A busy week of school followed with lots of reading homework, dinner parties for Mum and Dad both at home and out then birthday parties for some of the kids school friends.

The last weekend in September John had to work so the children and I headed out to Darwin for some afternoon Smoko and to feed the lambs. Bonnie and Ken used to run Darwin house with the green roof. It has accomodation and you can also go there for lunch or dinner, afternoon or morning smoko. We first met them both four years ago when John was down here on detachment. Since that time they have moved out of that house and renovated the one with the red roof. They have now leased the old house with a view to selling the business on. Smoko is afternoon tea with biscuits and cakes which is rather nice.

The advertised for children to come down over the weekend to feed their orphaned lambs. Although the mother is still alive she has rejected two of her lambs. Bonnie is hand rearing them and was happy for the children to come and have a go. Miss Ellie was very excited at this prospect and was buzzing with excitement.

First Bonnie let the children share two bottles for the lambs which dissappeared in record time, and then we all had a chance to stroke and hold the little darlings if wanted.

Ellie was straight in there and beamed from ear to ear over the experience.

The lambs were hungry little fellows and sucked anything within reaching distance which all the children thought was hilarious and gathered around to offer them their fingers.

The sun was starting to drop in the horizon and it was time for the lambs to go into the barn for the night to get some protection from the frosts. There was no way that I was going to wipe the grin from my daughters face and she sang and danced her way back to the car.

We let all the other people leave and then took a slow drive out of the farm, stopping on the way to take some more shots of the lambs and their parents which were grazing on the road side.

The skies were starting to darken and the suns low white rays were breaking through the clouds.

A quick run for Fergus (on the lead due to lambing season) and then home for a good hand wash, hot drink and dinner before bed.

All in all a good day for the kids and a very mellow Mummy to.
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