Last week was busy again with school assemblies, presentations and leaving ceremonies. This boy spotted me in the crowd and he is finally starting to listen to me when I say pose and smile for me if the camera is pointing in your direction. I have so many photos of them looking the other way, down at their feet or hiding their faces behind their certificates. Euan managed to get another certificate for swimming which was great but means more laminating for Mum.

Later in the week we went to another presentation. The year 5 & 6 children have been part of a D.A.R.E campaign which is all about drug, alcohol and social pressure awareness. It teaches them the facts about the effects of all of these and ways in which they can learn to say no. This day they were graduating from the course and the police officer who has been taking them for it came up to chat to the school as a whole about their preformance and results. The year 5&6 children were joined by their counterparts from Stanley and three were picked from each school to stand up and chat about their findings. Euan did so well as he is very nervous as a public speaker but I was so proud of him not only for standing up and doing it but also for his report. Well done my boy. As a way of congratulating the children they watched Toy Story 3 and also had some food and cake afterwards. The Chief of Police, CO Fisu and the head of Cable and Wireless who sponsored the event presented them all with a certificate.

Saturday saw a stunning sunrise again with such spectacular colours. I am going to have to get a thesaurus and come up with some new words to describe these I think!

We headed into Stanley for Euan's lesson on Saturday morning after helping John locate and then jump start his battery on his work Landrover. Thinking that was enough for one day, especially after smacking my head on the top of the boot we settled down at Jane's while Euan had his lesson. Aaaah not to be, just as we were about to leave and head down to the beach I found I had a very flat tyre :( Thankfully it hadn't blown out on the MPA road but it was still a pain as all the main garages are closed on a Saturday afternoon. We only have a very silly get you home spare on at the back and I was concerned about driving home on it along the MPA road. After eventually getting the tyre changed with a huge issues actually jacking the car up, remind me to send a letter to the company about how crap Landrover's jack and wheel wrench is....... I managed to get the other tyre up to the garage. He did fix it for me but he recommended that I didn't replace it back on the vehicle as he was concerned it would go again. Apparently a rock had just ripped the tyre and caused a slow puncture but unfortunately it is right in the centre of the tyre so likely to be very vunerable. Hmmmmmm not what I wanted to hear especially as there are no 19" wheels on the island and it will take a month at least to order. Euan and I finally got home at 5:15pm after leaving at 9:30am for a one hour lesson!

So Sunday saw us head to the pool at the kids request as they wanted to try out their new snorkels. Poor old Maddie's is a bit big for her face and she cannot keep her mouth shut around the plastic mouth guard. I could insert some rude words here but I shall refrain :) Afterwards we went to Oasis for cake and toasted sandwiches. I am not sure if I have mentioned before but MPA is meant to be one of the worlds longest wooden structures. Due to the bad weather down here all the accomodation, entertainment, library and food blocks are all connected by one corridor. It is reported to be around half a mile long. It is so easy to get lost in all the legs that run off in different directions but I am slowly getting used to where I am going. Above is just one small section of the corridor of course leading to our favourite tea shop here, not quite Jack's in Cirencester but needs must.

Yesterday and today I have been busy piecing together Maddie's quilt. I have finally managed to finish sewing all but one of the individual blocks and have started trying to lay out the pieces in some kind of colour order. I thought I had it but looking at the photos here I have noticed there is a heavier amount of brown in row two and nothing in row three, ah well back to the drawing board.

They will be better spaced out but I didn't have enough room to lay them out properly on the table. We have had grotty weather again today and snow apparently is forecast for later this week. DEEP JOY. Not long now and we should be heading off to Ascension and some much longed for sunshine

Tonight we went swimming again and the home for hot baths and some very naughty french toast for tea. Miss Muffet here was happily bundled up in her bathrobe when I spotted one of her little friends. She is not often without either a bunny or Tango but this little guy today in her pocket made me smile.

Right I think it needs to be early to bed for me tonight as my knee is rather sore, dance class really is not good for me I have absolutely no co-ordination even if it is fun. Take care Love to all Helen.