Birthday morning for Maddie and we had the usual present opening ceremony on the bed. Much to J's disgust I popped a very pink bow on Fergus. He thought I was really cruel doing this and wanted me to delete the pictures :) nah not when there is a good scrapbook page in it!!!

I am not sure the boy was to amused either.........

I finally managed to finish sewing Euan's christmas quilt and have hidden it away from prying eyes. I should really have given it a press before taking photos sorry. It has been folded and refolded over the last few weeks as I try to hide it from him during out of school hours.

We have had some spectacular sunsets again.

Saturday saw us head into Stanley for Euan's usual lesson. It was a stunning day after all the gales and rain we have had over the previous fortnight. I had picked some lunch up for us at the West Store and decided to head over to Surf Bay to eat. This is the beach that used to have landmines on but has been cleared over the past year. It is a lovely beach which is surrounded by huge dunes that the kids and the furry one loved. Dogs thankfully are welcome on this beach.

Fergus ran and ran, up and down the dunes with a massive smile on his face.

The sun was a strong bright light and I loved the fact that the kids were in silhouette as they ran around on the top of them.

Of course where one is having their photo taken the others will soon join in.

Euan spent most of his time running up and then jumping, rolling and wiping out getting back down.

We have decided that if the weather is fine this Saturday we are going to take our sledges with us as it could be a fabulous run down the higher dunes. We must remember to take goggles to though.

As we were walking along the beach we saw what we thought was a large stone. Just as I got close to it I noticed it was in fact a live seal. I quickly put the boy on the lead and had Euan hold him while I went to investigate. It seemed unable to roll around and although there were no outward signs of damage or distress I don't think it was very well. It couldn't seem to make much sound or rotate it's neck at all. It was absolutely sapped of energy as well.

The kids had a quick look from a distance and then we left the poor thing in piece.

I hope it wasn't suffering, it made me quite sad to think of it being on its last legs.

As we headed back to the car the sun was starting to lower in the sky and Mum had to have the obligatory silhouette shot. We tried to get Fergus to sit at an angle so we could get his head in the shot but with no luck.

He soon got fed up with the pushing and name calling and headed off to eat some more seaweed.

Home safe and sound the sky produced another spectacular display for us this time with bottom lit clouds of the softest pink and blue.

I never tire of sitting and watching these displays.

Sunday I decided was a day off. We took the kids to see Toy Story 3 and then once home I spent the evening felting and sewing. I have had the idea in my head to produce some felted pictures for the last few weeks. I didn't want to just leave them plain though, I wanted to try machine sewing into them. I used to do this at university with some of my photography that I would transfer onto fabric. John came in while I was busy and started chuckling, "playing again are you?" actually "yes" and it felt good. It has been a while since I let go of the guilt of house, laundry, food and just the notion of what I should be doing and just let loose with my mind and craft skills. I thoroughly enjoyed doing these little cameos and am hatching a plan for a bigger piece soon.

This one is simple needle felted with a few beads added for pips.

Strawberry Number 2 has been needle felted and then I heavily machine embroidered over the top.

This one is simply machine embroidered without any felting at all. I plan to hang all three up in my kitchen in little embroidery hoops. They are each no bigger than around 4 inches.

This Monday saw me finishing the above strawberries off and then making a start on Maddie's christmas quilt. It is going to be a pinwheel quilt all in brown, pink and white. Simple and clean hopefully once completed. I am not sure what to do with the basting yet, probably just the simple stitch in the ditch.

All the pieces have been cut out now I just need to find a day to sit and quilt. The first one I drew up using a water soluble pen but it just doesn't seem to want to disappear which is a bit frustrating so I have been marking up the others with tailors chalk and it seems to be going alot better.
I haven't really achieved anything else this week. Well I say that but I have been to two dance classes, lunch in the Officers Mess with the girls (well you need to don't you every now and again!!), dinner party on Tuesday night and alot of blog surfing, cleaning and laundry now my machine is fixed.
My friend Moira has just received her shipment this week and has lent me the Dixie Chicks CD's which I haven't listened to before plus Carolyn Dawn Johnson which am looking forward to hearing. I can hear J groan now, bloody country and western ;) he loves me really. Take care all and I will be back hopefully sooner rather than later. Love Helenx
your photos of the seal are GREAT