www.web.bethere.co.uk/BrodieCreekBridge . He is actually related to Charles Peter and tells some very interesting stories about the construction and local life.

The support railings are incredibly rusted and in places nonexistant. I am not sure how long the bridge will last before parts of it start to collapse into the water. With the advent of the motor vehicle and easier access to Lafonia the cost implications of repairing the bridge have become to expensive and it will eventually decay away. I find this rather said as there are very little in the way of bridges on the island and certainly none that look as spectacular as this one.

While we were busy posing for photos we completely missed this fellow sat above us on the cable ties. After looking in our guide book I think he is a red backed buzzard. Unfortunately I only had my wide angle lense with me and by the time J got back from the car with it he had flown away. There were also numerous turkey vultures lurking about the site which makes you wonder if they are used to getting some morsels when visiters arrive!

If it contains water all the better, today the vehicles occupants were dissappointed as it hasn't rained much recently so no big splashes to squeal about.
My faithful rear gunner as always keeping a look out for me (or should that be birds) as I close the gate. Smiling as usual after a good run out.
And a boy who is as happy as a pig in s... that he now has a filthy car to prove he has been doing manly activities, can't you tell!
The rest of the day was spent recovering from a dining in night at the mess the night before and preparing for a neighbour coming around for dinner.

Tomorrow I am off in a Sea King to apparently be winched up and then winched back down later on to a remote hillside. I have warned J that even though I am insured it doesn't mean he can leave me in a remote hillside to die!