On Friday Afternoon I headed into the kids school to see the results of their bridge building week. They had to develop their design ideas and undertake building their chosen design. They would need to test and evualuate how it went and see what adjustments they needed to make. Mr Sam Allin who is a consulting engineer for Gifford will return again tomorrow and judge the bridges. The junior class bridges are going to be tested by pushing a model car weighing 1lb over them and the infant class are to be judge on design alone.

I have to admit I have been really impressed with all the children's work. This is Euan's bridge that he built with his partner. It looks strong and there is a good space for the car to move across it.

Ellie has gone for a completely different technique with her partner and was busy tying on the supporting rope work when I arrived. It wa funny looking around as some of the childrens work was swamped in glue. Some looked very impressive and you could just about tell which children had engineers as parents!

Maddie was adamant that she was going to build the millenium bridge and no amount of persuasion to go for a more basic design would work. She was very pleased that the bridge could flip from side to side. I hope there aren't to many dissapointed children on Thursday when the winners are announced as I know all of the kids have got rather fired up over this competition.

Due in today were the kids eggs for the Easter Egg Competition. Ellie decided very early on that she want to make a sheep. We used pipe cleaners for the legs and copious amounts of cotton wool for his wonderful coat.

I think he has got rather a cute and slightly innocent face here. Maddie had a search on google images and decided to attempt a ladybird for her entry. She happily painted up her ladybird design on the egg and only had a very small amount of help shaping some leaves for the ladybird to sit on. Martha Stewart I love you and I so wish you would bring back your kids magazines.

She very successfully managed to paint the floor, cupboards and table! She had dropped some on the floor and then walked through it all with bare feet traipsing black paint absolutely everywhere. I guess that will teach me not to supervise!!

We had planned to try and recreate R2D2 for Euan unfortunately no white paint could be found for sale on the island and our plans had to change rather last minute. A bunny seemed the easy option and we decided to make him a rather fancy basket to live in, along with some yummy snacks in case he got hungry waiting for the judging on Thursday afternoon.

I think he is definitely one of the cheekiest Easter Bunnies I have met in a long time. Thankfully they all behaved themselves and made it to school this morning without cracking, (Mothers worst nightmare). Again I hope all the kids who are participating don't get upset if they don't win as there was some competitive remarks from quite a few of them at drop off this morning. Some of the entries were very clever plays on the word egg and others were incredibly fancy.
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