Just a few random photos left over from half term. Some more amazing skies over our avenue. Even after nearly six months here I still cannot stop thinking 'big skies'. I just love the varied colours and rapidly changing weather down here. (Not so much when I am stuck outdoors in it though!).

Usually there is an after school club swim but with half term the slot was kept open and they made it a soft play fun session. This was the best I could get of the boy, he spent most of his time on a large black intertube with friends and his back to me.

This little one however was very happy to pose for me even if it mostly meant me trying to capture her underwater.

And this one needs her name changed to seal, she adores the water and spends most of her time diving down to collect rings and items off the bottom of the deepend. I would love to get her some lessons but unfortunately there isn't anyone to teach down here at present.
We had our own private viewing of the tooth fairy during the week also as everyone was watching the first England football game. I offered for the guys to postpone it to another day but like us he is more of a rugby man and was happy to still put it on. How lucky were we a whole movie theatre to ourselves. The film was actually quite funny which was a relief. We also visited San Carlos but I will let J fill you in with that one.
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