This week so far has been quite productive. I have managed to get to the gym both days, complete my walk and then run for 6 mins which is good. I have to admit it has been hard to get back into it after three weeks off. We have had some more stunning sunrises this week. Up above was yesterdays sky with all its burnt oranges and yellows.

I managed to finish piecing together the top of Euan's quilt and even with broom lines it went together alright. Next I have to do is quilt it which is the bit I hate. I still need to draw up the Scottish flag for the back but that should be slightly easier than the Union Jack.

This morning we were treated to another beautiful sunrise. Last night the moon was so low in the sky it looked like it would fall out. It was a rich yellowy orange colour and looked quite eery as the clouds blew across in front of it. One of my neighbours was telling me that I had missed the moon eclipse last week which was a shame because apparently it was stunning. I didn't even know it was happening.

On Sunday I finished Maddie's party invites and now I need to get the felting ready for her butterflies and snakes. Thankfully I have a week and a half to go yet before the party.

Today I finished off these two penrolls which have just been delivered. I used up the last of my pink and red spot which is a shame as I loved this fabric, it really brought a spot of colour and whoosh to patchwork.

I helped out with swimming tonight but thankfully there was PT session in after the school slot so I didn't have to stay in with the kids, I am knackered. I am just about to go off and fight in the families shop for fresh fruit and veg, oh how I am not going to miss Tuesday nights!! Right better go and chase the girls up and make sure their hair is dry. Love to all Helen x
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