The start of May found us in the Old Gym to play in the above contraption. Euan had decided to have a Laser Quest Party. One of the sections here will set out and blow up this amazing maze for you to run around in and try to shoot your friends! Firstly I cannot believe that my boy is turning 10, when did that happen? Secondly I had forgotten how competitive a group of 10 boys can be, never mind the Dad :)

Euan and I spent the morning icing his Star Wars cookies in place of the usual birthday cake. We decided on R2 D2 for the subject and set about mixing up all our colours. I should have made the fill in icing slightly runny but it seemed to work. I generally don't like to have the children help me (lets be honest I don't even like them around when I am baking birthday goodies), the perfectionist in me doesn't cope to well with interferring fingers but I have to say I did alright this morning and Euan really enjoyed the process.

It may have been something to do with the continuous taste testing that was going on but he did a good job and was so proud of his efforts. I have to say they tasted pretty damn good to.

Excuse the crappy photo, the gym is rather dark and I ended up having to use flash. I think a good day was had by all even if there were several banged heads, bumped eyes and sweaty boys going home.

We rushed home to get changed and head straight back out to a rescheduled Murder Mystery Party to celebrate Siv's 40th Birthday. The above picture shows John reading out his part as Mr Flashi Mota in a somewhat strange and high pitched Japanese/German accent.

I had the part of Miss Hanki Panki ( no comments please) who apparently had several suitors on the go from the dining guests! I had ordered the outfits on the internet as I hate to sew up costumes. The wig was great but I did find later in the evening I wished I had brought along a knitting needle to ease the itching it caused. I had borrowed face paints off of Rachel and I so wish I hadn't, my face spent the next three weeks trying to recover and I looked like a teenager who hadn't bothered to wash! A thoroughly good evening was had by all thanks to Carol and Andy who pulled everything together including amazing menus and name tags. I am also pleased to say that it wasn't me who murdered anyone either, even though several thought it may have been me.

These are just two random shots of the mad girls in this house. I have started letting the girls go in the shower and wash their hair on their own. Yes I hear you they should have been able to do this ages ago but the flood that used to ensue after said activity had me twitching rather to much. Since this isn't my house and there isn't any ceiling underneath to collaspe I am finding the twitching is getting less.

Continuing along with my sky shots we have had some impressive skies of late. None of the shots have been edited in Photoshop and are all straight out of the camera. The colours are spectacular but usually only last a matter of minutes and then are gone.

This one has to be my favourite to date, it reminded me of glowing embers on a fire at its height.
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