Friday, June 25, 2010

Making a Start

The weather has been very changeable this week. All the snow was gone by Wednesday after a night of very heavy rain and wind. We awoke Thursday morning to this sight, absolutely stunning. I know you will be bored of my sky pictures by now but I love them, definitely a mini book in the making I think.

I have finally got off my backside this week and made a start on something, don't get me wrong there has still been far to much tea and chat going on but I think that is important to sometimes. I decided to make a start on Euan's (Hush Hush) christmas quilt. I plan to make a quilt for each of the kids for christmas and hopefully also a bunny or such to go with it. I am fed up with the kids dragging their big duvets through to the living room in the mornings and hope this will be an alternative. Euan's obviously had to be a union jack and so I set to work trying to plan it out.

Problem number one is that a flag is long and thinish so it doesn't really suit the shape I wanted for a quilt. So the purests out there please look away as I have fattened up the flag somewhat to fit the shape I needed. Problem number two was that I didn't bring my metre ruler with me so a broom handle had to be used to draw out my straight lines. Only hitch with that is, it is round and rolled all over the place as I was trying to draw said lines.

Still I am getting there and just have one quarter left to piece together for the top. I plan to attempt the Scottish Saltire for the back but haven't decided how I am going to quilt the two together yet. All of this also has to be done during school hours as I don't want little people to see it. Please don't spoil the surprise viewers at home.

I did take some pictures of my penguins that I made to brighten up my bathroom. Please excuse the appalling light, they are much brighter but it has been so dull here that I haven't been able to get good light in which to photograph them.

we have the Magellanics

the Gentoos

Mr Rock Hopper

and Sir King.
I still want to do a few more bits to my bathroom and then I will try to take a before and after picture.
Yesterday I went into Stanley with some good friends and had lunch at the Malvinas. Unfortunately it was a very average meal, the starter was lovely, fresh spring rolls with chilli sauce. For mains I chose thai green chicken which should have been good but the sauce had split and half way through I couldn't eat anymore. I felt rather queasy for the rest of the evening and my friends didn't fair any better. We did however manage to do some damage in the Stanley shops, the girls got a new pink sledge with Euan having a black one. I picked up some new gloves for Ellie and Euan but Ellie's don't fit her so Maddie is very happy! and now Mum has to get another pair for Ellie. A few new candles as my others have just about run out. Two new baking tins as my spring bottom ones are so rusty now and then a big food shop. We had a very loaded and dirty landrover of Jayne's on the way home. Sadly we did see quite a few rolled cars in the ditches and it is a rather sobbering reminder of just how treacherous the road can be. Although clear of snow and ice now it has lots of potholes and is very muddy and slippery still.
Tonight I was going to head to happy hour but due to a function it wasn't on. A quick phone call to Jayne and off to Oasis with us all for toasted sandwiches for tea. We did try to go rock climbing but the instructor didn't turn up so we went back to Jayne's for more tea. A phone call from Alex and we headed up to hers for Pimms and Wagon Wheels, what more could a girl ask for? My back is really sore at the sides now so I think I might go for a bath and have an early night as I am off to Stanley again tomorrow for Euan's lesson weather permitting.
Oh and to give all of you a laugh, jumped in the bloody car this morning to take the kids to school and completely flat battery. Jayne took great pleasure in driving her older car around to jump start our shiny new one, John will be teased for some time to come I think by the neighbours for that one!

1 comment:

  1. have you made a Macaroni penguin picture? Wagon wheels here, a new discovery!
